Saturday, January 14, 2012

Our Evolution

Consciousness, what a trip!

Charles Darwin defined evolution to the tune of: the process by which life perpetuates itself through natural selection. Darwin's main examples of natural selection included physical adaptations which would result in a specific behavior in order to perpetuate the species. I would argue that natural selection would actually favor mental process that reduce stress during one's lifetime, thus decreasing illness, which is ideal for a healthy life, or species for that matter. But, for now, I am not going to get into natural selection too much; as you can see, I have my own perspective for what it entails. The question I want to ask right now is: as far as humanity goes, what does evolution mean when applied to us? Where do we go from here?

Question of the ages really...

Darwin's main study was animals, and although we humans are animals, our brains are also highly evolved in comparison to our animal brethren. Although biological drive still has an effect on the way we interact socially, we are no longer bound by the chains of scarcity.

In terms of population, our species is not currently at threat of extinction, so an individual can be more selective when choosing a mate.  Many couples choose not to have children, which is directly against biological drive.  Additionally, as far as gene expression, it has been “scientifically proven” (gotta love the validation that term suggests) that the more genetically mixed an individual is, the less likely they are to be receptive to illnesses. Now-a-days, racially mixed relationships resulting in racially (and thus genetically) mixed children are extremely common and will no doubt some day be the norm; especially as our global community becomes more united.

So, we know how to get the resources we need from our environment and we are becoming more integrated and thus, theoretically, healthier and more durable with respect to our biological makeup. Therefore, we seem to have somewhat mastered the more primitive concerns related to Evolutionary Theory and how it defines natural selection.

As a species, we do not really have to worry about surviving. We have the resources, know how and ability to obtain our basic needs. For a while now, “they” have been convincing us that we are still living in scarcity, that we don't have enough to go around, and that only if you “work hard” might you possibly get the life you deserve. But, with the exposure that the top 2% of the global elite (who barely “work hard”) hold 99% of the global wealth, we are finally beginning to realize that indeed we are abundant with resources but that those resources are horded by a few; as a result, revolutions and protests breaking out all over the world. So, back to my original question, what's next for us? What does evolution mean for human kind? We couldn't possibly be done evolving. The possibilities are endless!

The way I see it, although biological needs do assert themselves in our daily lives, it is and has always been consciousness that is in a constant state of evolution. Of course, I am aware of the fact that Darwin did not define evolution in this manner and so technically I using this term somewhat incorrectly; I guess I am - like so many other - proposing a slightly new definition for that term; a meaning that is more congruent with our current social context and culture. (That is, after all, how the cycles of our lives perpetuate themselves – as I put forth in the previous entry.) Back to my point, as life evolves, it shows signs of higher intelligence.

Evolutionary Theory suggests that we evolved from a primate similar to the chimpanzee; which would suggest that we are more highly evolved than a chimpanzee. But what does that really mean? Did chimpanzees just stop evolving? Why are there still monkeys then? Granted, although I do not hold a degree in Evolutionary Theory, I still feel that there are a few gaps in its story.

What does it mean to be human? Many would say that it is our ability to rationalize and reason, our ingenuitive mind and our ability to create. I would then argue that those abilities are actually a result of a heightened conciseness. For, one who acts more consciously than another has an increased ability to rationalize and reason, use their inventive mind and create or manifest.

To take this a step further, let's say that what continues to evolve is not only our consciousness, but also our awareness, and thus experience, of consciousness. (Perhaps it is only our awareness of consciousness that evolves and consciousness itself is a paradoxical constant that exists as both a whole and a part of itself...hmmm.) In other words, chimpanzees are fairly aware of their surroundings and have a good understanding and knowledge of their environment. They form territorial boundaries and they know how to communicate with each other and use tools. But how far does that awareness extend?

It is arguable that the human beings are more aware of the complexity of their surroundings and thus have a more extensive knowledge of their environment than do chimps. After all, not only do we have territorial boundaries, know how to communicate with each other and use tools, we can create out of our environment. We can look at the environment and create tools to help us with our needs, or we can create just for the sake of creating – we are artists. Therefore, one could conclude that we have a more complex understanding for the way our environment works, and thus, more awareness on a consciousness level than do our fellow animal brethren. Further, we are not only aware of ourselves, we have become consciously aware – aware of our connection to consciousness.

So, again, where do we go from here? Well, as I stated in my previous entry, I believe that we are at a turning point in our evolution. It has been found that the 9 steps of the Mayan pyramids are based off of what has been termed The Timeline of the Evolution of Consciousness (, In this timeline, there are 9 stages each divided by seven “days” and six “nights.” But these days and nights do not correspond with our earth day and earth night, but rather with a certain number of years. At each stage, the days and nights get shorter, as consciousness evolves, it does so more and more rapidly, until last year, when – according to the Mayan timeline – our consciousness was in its last stage of evolution, cycling every 18 days or so (each “day” and “night” was about 18 earth days long); ending on October 28, 2011.

From that point on it is prophesied that our consciousness will come together as One. That we will recognize that each individual human being has an effect on each other and moreover, each cell of life has an effect on each other. We are all One; each of us a cell in a much larger body. We share each others thoughts, we share each others problems, we share each others fear and pain, we share each others love and joy. It is Ours, and we can own it as One.

I certainly witness immense cohesion amongst the masses on a global scale. From Tunisia, to Greece, to Egypt, to Spain, to the States, there has been global scale exposure of mass, wide-scale corruption within government and big business. Natural disasters seem to be fore frequent and have further exposed corruption, but have also resulted in cooperation that traverses cultures. That is the power of the people; this is the power we hold as One. It is Our life, not “theirs.”

I stumbled upon a realization yesterday while reading about numbers in David Wilcock's new book, Sourse Field Investigations. It turns out, what fascinated Pythagoras about the concept of numbers, was the incredible unity of them. It was the complexity of how a whole could be divided and multiplied within and of itself that drove his passion.

Then it dawned upon me - we live in a society that has been living in scarcity for so long, that we have literally been biologicly conditioned to think in terms of scarcity. The idea of abundance within our social context is so new that we are still creating meaning for it as it applies to our current culture. But it is time for us to let the scarce mentality go, and letting go is difficult, and can be scary. But if we hold onto it, we will be destroyed; only to be recreated again into something new.  So really, there is no sadness or harsh judgement, simply a choice that we have to  make as One.

Pythagoras realized that even when you add a bunch of numbers together, that number becomes a whole (One) and that new whole can be divided infinitely, and multiplied infinitely, and it will still end up as One.

It is time for us to intertwine our knowledge, our thoughts, our beliefs, our emotions, etc., to see them as all one – for they all belong to One. After all, if an individual human being can experience mixed emotions or has several diverse thoughts, why can't a One Humanity or Global being (for lack of a better term). Furthermore, if you think about it from that perspective, those who work to separate and hold power over others will only prevail as long as the One believes that it is divided and that each division is separate from it's larger self. But as long as the One is aware of itself, it shall always prevail and those who wish to divide-and-conquer shall always fail. For, they fail to recognize the truth, that there is only One, no matter how many additions, subtractions, divisions or multiplications are made; the result is still One. You know the chant: “The people united will never be divided!!”

Aahhh, it is so easy to get passionate about this issue...

So, yet again, now what? Who knows for sure? That is for Us to decide I guess...but what I do know is that nature does favor evolution, it wants life to evolve, I mean, look at this beautiful planet. I believe that in continuing down our evolutionary path it will be only natural for us to come together as One, recognize our power, stand up together...and thrive.

Well, that was my stream of consciousness for the day. Consciousness...what a trip...

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