Thursday, November 13, 2014

What is a GMO?

Back up on my soap box...For those of you who may be slightly confused as to why GMOs have been getting so much hype. Honestly, I take the political stance and choose not to refer to them as GMOs, I call them GEOs, genetically engineered organisms. The truth is, genetic modification is a natural, evolutionary process that occurs with cross-pollination and adaptability of nature to new environments over time. However, genetic engineering occurs in a lab, human controlled, and involves the splicing of organisms that would most likely not occur through the the natural process of genetic modification, and especially not in such a short time span. 

Furthermore, I giant misnomer of GEOs is tha tthey are put in food to help creat more for human health and poverty reasons...FALSE!!! if this is done, it is certainly NOT the main reason. The main reason for GEOs??? You already know...$$$$$$$$$$$$$PROFIT$$$$$$$$$$$$$. GEOs allow agribusinesses to create foods that either pair with a specific chemical herbicide (conveniently made by the same company that does the slicing....Monsanto/RoundUp) on a bio-chemical level so that they can produce more (usually waaaay too much), or contain a pesticide that bursts the cells of the gut of insects when they eat the plant...and this is all done in hopes of selling more. Not to mention that the five cash crops, which are ALL genetically engineered (corn, wheat, rice, soy, cotton) are heavily subsidized by the U.S. government, meaning that companies actually get paid to make it, not just sell it, so their profit is through the roof; and in the meantime there are silos upon silos filled to the brim with unused product.

Scientists say that genetically engineered  pesticide food only ruptures the cells of small insects. These are accredited scientists right? Because even I know that there is no real difference between the cells that make up a human body and the cells that make up an insect body. They all act the same, they are all cells. Children are coming into the doctor's office with a syndrome called "leaky gut." It is a condition where food is escaping their stomachs because there are holes, actual holes, in the stomach lining and food is going through these holes into the bloodstream...whole  pieces of food!!!! The body thinks that something is attacking it and develops an allergy to protect itself so that its patron will not eat that food again.. Now kids are devleoping allergies to EVERY FOOD GROUP! Helloo??!! This makes NO sense. We've been eating this food for our ENTIRE human history, why would the body suddenly think our food is attacking it?

Sorry to break it to ya guys, but genetic engineering is not performed for better health benefits and/or to alleviate poverty an hunger. Those are not the true goals, if anything, they are secondary. In a capitalist, neoliberal society, profit is the goal, plain and simple.

I know I am very passionate about this subject, it makes me extremely emotional when I see giant corporations use their power and money to feed the public with misinformation so that they will be more profitable, its crazy, literally crazy; and they are hurting themselves as well. Those of you who were scared off from saying 'yes on I-92' because the entities who wanted you to vote 'no' - major food corporations and agribusinesses such as Monsanto, Kraft, etc. - told you that the food prices would rise...the thing is, the hidden costs from being misinformed and continuing to eat GEOs will be much much higher in the long run. As your health and well-being are affected, the medical bills will only increase.

...look below the surface...consciously connect the dots...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Help Us End Ignorance! I'm getting up on my soap box for a moment...I took this picture today at Safeway...look at the sponsor brands...these brands view food as a commodity, to be sold for profit as a good and service, not as a basic human need...out is a privilege, they will say, that or food is grown for is and conveniently put in the store to buy....and there is definitely truth in that, but the food system is all fucked up guys, we can no longer save and plant our own seed then sell the crop , we have to register the seeds and prices are so ridiculous only mega companies can afford it, making food selection and choice if production, especially in our integrated social system actually quite small (its not like we're all living in small villages with a barter system, even if you live in a rural area of the US, you are still intrinsically connected to the rest if the nation and world, especially politically and economically) ...the irony is that these companies make a shit ton of profit on selling these food products (its one of the most profitable/lucrative/powerful businesses out there - agribusiness and food manufacturing...everyone needs to eat!) and they produce some of the cheapest food you can buy. Not to mention that people who are eating this food on the regular have been conditioned into thinking it's good for them and most likely do not buy organic foods that are also more expensive (this is not meant to be offensive, if you have an emotional response, look into it, thoroughly). So basically, these companies are telling the least informed and least economically viable food consumers to spend more of their hard earned money on cheep food products (that food corps will make a giant profit off of) and give it away for free to people who have no food or money. I understand that some food is better than no food, and I'm all about charitable acts, but why aren't these incredibly profitable corporations just giving away their cheap food themselves? ..The question is rhetorical, we all know why, $$$$$$ the corporation it is more important that feeding starving people (the corporation= legal person, not necessarily the people working for the corporation, as confusing as that is) why not sponsor an activity that will encourage people to buy their food and then give it away...genius! ........ look below the surface, consciously connect the dots... by the way.. these are the entities that poured money into "no on I-92" in Oregon in November, 2014.