Whiteness is like a club that most of us – if not all of us –
in the west are indoctrinated into at birth. We get a number. That is the mark
of indoctrination. We do not get a choice. The thing with this club, is that
there is a class system of hierarchy. The classes intersect, but in a
peculiarly specific manner; as if meticulously designed and not at all random.
In this club, the most notable advantages are given to those wearing light skin.
Those with light skin are given a privilege, but only if they ascribe to the
cultural norms of the club. Club Whiteness, we’ll call it. The C.W. This
privilege allows those with light skin to be seen as objective, an illusion
made real. However, if they dare step
into solidarity with those who do not have light skin, they are tarnished by definition to those with light skin, called names that, in their classist epistemological viewpoint,
demean them to the level at which they've defined those without light skin, the self-ascribed status of inferior.
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