My friend suggested that perhaps we humans are all
suffering from daddy issues...we know who are mother is (thank you Pachamama),
but not who are farther is, we argue over who He is, what form He takes on,
where He went, if He's coming back. Good point, I think. But He's there, we
just need to recognize, acknowledge and accept Him for who He is. Let Mother
Earth nurture us, it is Her Devine Will, let Her imbue us with the intuitive
knowledge of the One, the collective. Let Her support us is our evolutionary
growth, biopsychosocialspiritually. But She cannot be present for us if we are
constantly neglecting and abusing Her, and She will rid of us if we continue to
do so, as Her energy must be spent on self reparation. For She cannot be the
nurturer without first nurturing Her Self, it is of Her Self and through Her
Self that she is able to do so in the first place, if She is destroyed, She
will be unable to be our Mother at all...I call it the airplane rule.
Nonetheless, She is so gracious that She will let us destroy this aspect of Her
body if we can't help ourselves from learning the lessons that would follow.
For She is not contained solely within Her body, just like ours, it is but a
vehicle. And Farther Sun, as He is widely known, He may seem more distant, but
His light reigns down and dawns us with life giving energy, the force, the
power to animate, to express our beings, to be self aware, to love. Let Him
nourish us, let Him fill us with His wisdom and His material knowledge of all
time and space, of the individual, let Him give us the tools to be, to exist,
it is His Devine Will. Let Him inspire thought and creation and action. He is
there for us to receive in whatever form we wish, whatever form is helpful for
us individually - perhaps that is why so many religions have been created to
try to find him, because there are many ways to do so, there are many ways to
express and to accept and to love and to live, and to be. Let our Mother and
Father be there for us, as They always have been, to aid all life They created
in and of Themselves throughout existence on their individual and collective
journey towards greater awareness and more complex and intricate expressions of
consciousness -towards the full recognition of the paradox of love.
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