Thursday, June 13, 2024

Supporting the Evolution of Consciousness...

... no wait.. the evolution of human consciousness... no wait.. our human awareness of universal consciousness...

Funny thing about being here to “raise human consciousness” is that it really is not an outward thing, it comes back to the inward process of raising my own consciousness… So while it could sound very savior-y for me to say I’m here to raise human consciousness I’m really not that vain… I am vain lol, but not  that wain… Really the task is internal.. it all starts within.. so of course the real task then becomes to raise my own consciousness lol.. which I’ve found has become, at the 3 and 4 D levels, an alchemical process of transmuting the energy of trauma into its higher vibrational state of wisdom in my own body… this is the process of healing or beginning whole, in doing so I’m clearing out my vessel to be one that is now able to access “higher” consciousness, which is again to simply have more awareness of consciousness….. Through engaging with this process, I’ve come to realize (remember) that my 3/4D work related to my life’s purpose is to support the individual and collective transmutation of the energy of trauma, specifically intergenerational trauma… as above so below… This healing will thus allow us to engage in the healing of our collective trauma and therefore greater capacity to come online as a collective conscious! I think this is our next step in our human evolution. We operate as a collective subconsciously, but it’s time for us to wake up as a conscious collective body. This is our next major leap in our ascension with respect to raising our human consciousness.. so there you see it, my purpose is to work for the collective! Specially our collective liberation :)

Monday, December 6, 2021

What Am I Going Through?

Any time that we ask that question to ourselves, it’s really a question of Self – we’re essentially asking what/who am I in any given particular moment. How are we going to react, respond, think, feel, act, be, show up? We toggle back and forth between I Am and am I? I Am – the Masculine. Am I – the Feminine. I Am – project Self outward into the realm of experience (light, a specific piece of information [ex. A word, sentence, paragraph, essay, book…], expansion, manifestation, time, particles). Am I – collapsing of Self into One, the potential, infinite and all (literally ALL @ the same time) possibilities (void/darkness, all information [ex. all of the letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, essays, books…] vacuum, femifestation, space, waves).

Am I experiencing Love?

I Am Love.

Am I experiencing fear?

I Am Fear.

Am I experiencing desire?

I Am Desire.

Am I experiencing change?

I Am Change.

Am I experiencing divinity?

I Am Devine.

Am I?

I Am.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Kaycie and the Starseeds

Kaycie is a beautiful Queen Goddess who was incarnated into an Earth body in the solar year of 1985. She came to this planet a Starseed to engage in deep intergenerational trauma release and healing work. She volunteered out of love, knowing it would be challenging but from the perspective of an Angel, a Light Body being from a spiritually centered community. Many know them by the name of Sirian (in another dimension). What Kaycie didn’t know, because she hadn’t made the decision to volunteer from the body and mind of a human, was that, from a human perspective, the challenge would be much more of a challenge from within the human body. From the Light Body perspective, the challenge was…light. From the Earth body perspective, the challenge was heavy. Furthermore, in order to initiate and realize her gifts and tools that she brought with her, she’d have to go through and engage in – not skip over – unusually traumatic experiences, then acknowledge, recognize and accept her trauma and love it in order for it to transmute through an alchemical process to the very tools and gifts she needs to fulfill her purpose on Earth.

It seemed easy enough to the light body. Simple in the grand scheme of things, that was also true in the human body. The human body experienced an extra dynamic of living in 3D space-time that the light body – who dwells in the 5th dimension and beyond – did not: Time. Time warps reality and creates a more intense experience. Human bodies have to pass thru time and therefore their experiences, especially the heavy ones that move slow, take time, which can exacerbate the intensity of the experience, whether challenging or easy. That said, again, often heavy emotional states come with challenges that seem at times to make time move like molasses. Those are the moments we just want to pass. That’s the key to getting access to our tools tho, by actually moving thru it. Therein lies the rub. To a Light Body, who exists outside of time, its inconceivable the added impact that Time has on the Human Body. It’s no wonder then why Human Bodies seek bliss and timeless moments. Where Time seems to stop and all is present. In this state, challenges and easy tasks alike are much lighter, therefore, even the most perceivably challenging task is not in the least intimidating.

Just proceed with Love and things will be simple, she thought. What she didn’t think about was the level of consciousness at which the Human body in which she incarnated was at (as well as the vast majority of all Human Bodies on Earth during that era) was not yet naturally vibrating at the frequency of unconditional love. If 1100 is the top “score,” (of which no physical sentient beings on Earth vibrate at) most Humans in this era were around 600. Anything above 650 was considered approaching the unconditional love realm. Kaycie was around 625 on a challenging day/month/year and around 700 on an easy day/month/year. The thing is, Kaycie was not the only Starseed who was born unto Earth, there were many others who all came for the same reason. To raise the consciousness of Humanity to prepare it for its next major evolutionary/involutionary leap! It was all very exciting. But to a Light Being, Earth is a paradoxical Heaven and Hell. Heaven because the splendor of Mother Earth is pure Love and Hell because the relational aspect of life on Mother Earth is harsh and violent. Still love tho, which is the beauty of this planet and its lesson to us. Kaycie and the Starseeds were born through Crystal Light Beings, Indigos, Rainbows, etc.

The Starseeds that come to Mother Earth are Super Intelligent biopsychosocialspiritually yet often don’t fit into the mainstream and therefore, sometimes, depending on life circumstances. Which many have challenging upbringings in order to initiate their gifts – it can take them some time to fully release and unlock their gifts. Often, when Starseeds find each other, they fall in love. Many of them are Lovers (in a 5D sense) on their home planet. They’re so excited to reconnect. Then they soon realize that in their Earth Bodies relationships are not as easy as they are in their Light Bodies. For, their Earth Bodies carry Earthbound intergenerational karma and trauma that, in order to fully love unconditionally, needs to be worked out and realized through the Earth Body. So at first, these twin Flames get so excited and fall deeply in love. But they didn’t come here just to fall in love, necessarily, not in the standard narrative 3d way. No, they came to bring up the vibration of human consciousness to the vibration of Unconditional Love. Which, again, can only be done through the Earth Body and the relationships that the Earth body experiences – which usually take Time. Again, a real challenge for the Light Body Consciousness, who is not used to being constrained by time. Now, not every Light Being who comes to Mother Earth is the same, in face, they’re all different and have different gifts and abilities, just like everyone. Some Light Beings are not as bound by Time, while others may be more sensitive to energy, and others more sensitive to intuition and so on. Kaycie had incredible gifts, by age 35 they were only partially unlocked, but she’d been dabbling with them since she could remember. Not only physical talents but heart-based ones largely around the theme of Universal Love (and acceptance). The catch? In order to fully realize her strengths, she had to experience constriction of love. Her experience of trauma that would need to be healed in order to unlock her innate gift was that of abandonment, judgement, exclusiveness, rejection, not being (feeling) wanted and truly loved.

When Startseeds/Twin Flames fall in love, they fall hard. Like a magnet is pulling them together. If they ignore it, the dissonance and anxiety that forms will likely throw them off course. It’s ok. This is part of the path. We are at an extremely challenging time in our Human Evolution where Starseeds are coming in by the numbers to find each other (during the same incarnation) to support each other to work through some of our most challenging lessons. Lessons that would likely be avoided were it not for the strong connection of otherworldly love – a force so strong it cannot be avoided (again, without palpable consequences). Because the lessons are so challenging, and the Starseeds are in Human bodies, they often don’t stay together smoothly. But instead end up splitting to continue on their own journey of healing, with the fuel of the Love shared as the inspiration to engage intentionally in the healing of Self. If the Starseeds are able to do this, they will reunite and continue, together, on the journey to raise human consciousness. Now even more powerful, as, eventually, all human minds will be consciously entwined, entangled like that of the Twin Flames’. That’s just the first step. We really are in the initial phases of this Human Metamorphosis.

Kaycie's journey is still in progress. She sees her gifts and after avoiding the discipline of practice for so long, she’s finally got the kick in the ass she needed by a couple of Twin Flame Experiences of her own, to be active and intentional in her next stage of development. For now, she has reached the stage of her apprenticeship where she will be asked to access her gifts and tools intentionally and she is preparing for another initiation into her Queendom.


Monday, November 26, 2018

Negative Space, the Feminine Place: Within the Darkness there is Light. The brightest light is dark. In the darkness, where lives the light...FEMIFESTATION

Food for thought: We never actually see anything, right, therefore what is reality, blah blah, blah, but that is not the point of this one. Like a camera and it's negatives, when it comes to ourselves, maybe we literally project out something (our personality? our physical being?) based off of the negative space of the information we receive in order to fill in the gaps so that our preferred reality makes sense. Therefore, what we project isn't actually the thing we experience, instead, we are perceiving the experience based on past information. So in other words, the only truth is the negative aspect of ourselves, where infinite knowledge lives, then we decipher based on a collection of other information what matters and project that outward as reality. In other words, we determine what is relevant information (+) based on that which is absent (-) ... And now think about negative/feminine and positive/masculine energy... Yet again, the potential for the negative space is infinite, whereas our interpretation becomes limited (in a unidimensional reality i.e. one single coherent alert moment) (also noting the appearance of the trinity: particle/wave/observer with respect to "an interpretation of the negative space") to the one interpretation of the experience that we, individually and collectively, define as/agree is real, the reality. Not to mention, as above so below, within the darkness of the womb (which itself is made of light) a light body is nourished to life. The holofractal universe at your service.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Welcome to the C.W.

Whiteness is like a club that most of us – if not all of us – in the west are indoctrinated into at birth. We get a number. That is the mark of indoctrination. We do not get a choice. The thing with this club, is that there is a class system of hierarchy. The classes intersect, but in a peculiarly specific manner; as if meticulously designed and not at all random. In this club, the most notable advantages are given to those wearing light skin. Those with light skin are given a privilege, but only if they ascribe to the cultural norms of the club. Club Whiteness, we’ll call it. The C.W. This privilege allows those with light skin to be seen as objective, an illusion made real. However, if they dare step into solidarity with those who do not have light skin, they are tarnished by definition to those with light skin, called names that, in their classist epistemological viewpoint, demean them to the  level at which they've defined those without light skin, the self-ascribed status of inferior.

Your Spiritual Evolution

By the end of your spiritual existence you will hav experienced every SINGLE perspective of [All] [God] [what do we call this thing-being?] FULLY --> just as you are experiencing YOURSELF RIGHT NOW and ALL of your contextual complexity 💛💚💙💜

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Kaycie Ana's Diaspora

Kaycie Ana's life study is the evolution of (human) consciousness and iset life journey is to raise (human) consciousness. As such, history fascinates iset and does not feel to distant. Iset grew up in Seattle, WA and spent her childhood on stage dancing, singing, and acting; as well as playing musical instruments and basketball. Iset also loved physics and astronomy, as well as working with youth. Iset entered her undergraduate career believing she would double major in astrononmy and theater, but the "system" got the best of her at that time, and she was pushed out of those departments due to othering. Not to worry, this was all part of iset path, iset next focus was youth. Kaycie Ana has enjoyed working with youth for the majority of her professional career (to date), and iset has gained so much from working with the youth on this planet. Currently, iset teaches tap dance in Portland, runs a statewide youth mentorship program in Oregon; and facilitates racial justice//educational equity intercultural competence/communication workshops/trainings on a contractual basis. Iset loves to dance, esp. salsa, tap, and Hip Hop freestyle and engages in these art forms on the reg. Kaycie Ana is creating a life in which she lives integrally, in that the personal, professional, individual, collective, biopsychosocialspiritual aspects of her life are all intertwined and in balance. Iset strives to impact those around her in ways that inspire self-reflection, self-empowerment and self-actualization. Iset goal is to develop this practices . into a tangible space where folks will feel welcome and inspired to share their stories, tech and learn with and from each other, comfort each other in solidarity of our journey of living, a place of healing and belonging. Kaycie Ana is a cat mama, community member, daughter, sister, friend, partner; and iset is simply bad-ass.