Thursday, June 13, 2024

Supporting the Evolution of Consciousness...

... no wait.. the evolution of human consciousness... no wait.. our human awareness of universal consciousness...

Funny thing about being here to “raise human consciousness” is that it really is not an outward thing, it comes back to the inward process of raising my own consciousness… So while it could sound very savior-y for me to say I’m here to raise human consciousness I’m really not that vain… I am vain lol, but not  that wain… Really the task is internal.. it all starts within.. so of course the real task then becomes to raise my own consciousness lol.. which I’ve found has become, at the 3 and 4 D levels, an alchemical process of transmuting the energy of trauma into its higher vibrational state of wisdom in my own body… this is the process of healing or beginning whole, in doing so I’m clearing out my vessel to be one that is now able to access “higher” consciousness, which is again to simply have more awareness of consciousness….. Through engaging with this process, I’ve come to realize (remember) that my 3/4D work related to my life’s purpose is to support the individual and collective transmutation of the energy of trauma, specifically intergenerational trauma… as above so below… This healing will thus allow us to engage in the healing of our collective trauma and therefore greater capacity to come online as a collective conscious! I think this is our next step in our human evolution. We operate as a collective subconsciously, but it’s time for us to wake up as a conscious collective body. This is our next major leap in our ascension with respect to raising our human consciousness.. so there you see it, my purpose is to work for the collective! Specially our collective liberation :)