Thursday, May 17, 2018

Kaycie Ana's Diaspora

Kaycie Ana's life study is the evolution of (human) consciousness and iset life journey is to raise (human) consciousness. As such, history fascinates iset and does not feel to distant. Iset grew up in Seattle, WA and spent her childhood on stage dancing, singing, and acting; as well as playing musical instruments and basketball. Iset also loved physics and astronomy, as well as working with youth. Iset entered her undergraduate career believing she would double major in astrononmy and theater, but the "system" got the best of her at that time, and she was pushed out of those departments due to othering. Not to worry, this was all part of iset path, iset next focus was youth. Kaycie Ana has enjoyed working with youth for the majority of her professional career (to date), and iset has gained so much from working with the youth on this planet. Currently, iset teaches tap dance in Portland, runs a statewide youth mentorship program in Oregon; and facilitates racial justice//educational equity intercultural competence/communication workshops/trainings on a contractual basis. Iset loves to dance, esp. salsa, tap, and Hip Hop freestyle and engages in these art forms on the reg. Kaycie Ana is creating a life in which she lives integrally, in that the personal, professional, individual, collective, biopsychosocialspiritual aspects of her life are all intertwined and in balance. Iset strives to impact those around her in ways that inspire self-reflection, self-empowerment and self-actualization. Iset goal is to develop this practices . into a tangible space where folks will feel welcome and inspired to share their stories, tech and learn with and from each other, comfort each other in solidarity of our journey of living, a place of healing and belonging. Kaycie Ana is a cat mama, community member, daughter, sister, friend, partner; and iset is simply bad-ass.