Wednesday, May 31, 2017

What if the thing being we call God is Love?

What if the thing being we call God is Love?
What if the organizing being, power, principle, consciousness of the universe  this universe, is love?
What if the word “love” has such a social sentimental stigma that it’s not viewed in it’s equally true, scientific sentiments?
Do we need a new shiny, big, complex, scientific sounding word for love?
Would it make a difference?
Think about it really tho…
Not from a religious/spiritual “God is Love” perspective,
But from a scientific/mathematical God = Love perspective.
True is True = True, true?
Then should be True from both extremes,
From all angles.
Love can be measured by medical technology as brainwaves.
That the more “love” one feels, the higher the frequency of the brainwave.
Further research shows when frequency of sound is raised, vibrations going through salt and/or water 
A.k.a. our terrestrial bodies 
The geometric shapes produced grow more complex.
What’s next?
Further studies show when higher frequency wave of light hit the body’s DNA, more codons are “unlocked” – so to speak.
Well how neat.
If a thing being vibrates and a high love frequency, it’s productions (thoughts, creativity, intelligence) are more complex;
Therefore, more highly evolved.
Therefore, it stands to reason most highly evolved thing being would be pure love consciousness.
This makes sense cognitively as well…
Think about it:
What other thing being could or would love so much as to let itself experiment with self-destruction?
Stray from perfection?
Rip itself apart?
Give so much love so as to allow for the free will
To hate and to kill?
Why is there fear?
The organizing energy in this universe must be love
Otherwise nothing would exist.
So simple,
Still so complex.
God is Love
God = Love
Hello, I’m God, my name is Love.