If only we could go faster than the speed of light...what if we can?
I have always been skeptical of the idea that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. But, in my early twenties, I had a thought that I felt completely justified my skepticism. It dawned upon me that I could think about turning on a light faster than the light would actually turn on. But, when I went to tell my peers my exciting discovery, it was I who was met with skepticism.
My peers would argue that I could not be sure that my thought of turning on the light was actually faster than the time it took for the light to turn on once the switch had been flipped. And they did not buy my argument that I could think about the light turning on faster than it took me to actually get up, walk over to the switch, flip it and turn the light on.
So, this got me to thinking and I easily came up with another example of my theory. “What about the Sun?” I said. “Boom, there, I am instantaneously thinking about the sun while it still takes another 8 minutes for the sun’s light to actually reach Earth from the moment I thought about it. Better yet,” I said, “what about the other stars or galaxies?”
This argument was slightly more convincing, and I have continued to contemplate this concept as the years have passed. Not only have I come to think of this theory as more and more true, I feel that I now have at least a conceptual understanding of how both teleportation and time travel work.
The easiest way for me to think about this is as such: Consider that life is analogous and reflective of itself. Meaning that the life of a planet can be compared fairly accurately to the life of a plant and/or animal on Earth and there will be striking similarities. For example, a star is born with a growing body, just like all life on Earth, until it reaches maturity when it shines brightest, much like a flower in bloom or an animal at their prime for reproduction. Then, the stars energy, as well as the plant or animal’s, begins to fade and the life eventually comes to an end.
In this way we can loosely compare almost everything (if not everything) in the universe. With this in mind, we should be able to do the same with the entire universe.
Without attaching too much historical baggage to the word, consider the perspective of a God consciousness – that is, a perspective which is self aware of its entire body – the universe as a whole. Now, make this God consciousness analogous to your own conscious mind, and make God’s body – the universe as a whole – analogous with your very own body. Well, that is quite easy, isn’t it? You can be fully aware of your conscious mind and fully aware of your body as a whole, singular unit at the same time; for, really, the two go hand-in-hand. Now, just focus all of your attention on your thumb. Be highly aware of your thumb as a whole, singular unit. Be your thumb, see your thumb, feel your thumb. Now, switch your attention to your big toe. Be fully aware of your big toe, feel it, see it, be it.
You have just performed a process that is analogous to the act of God consciousness – being fully aware of its entire universe body– choosing to focus with intent on only one part of its body, allowing consciousness to fill that specific space – a galaxy per-se – then instantly being another part of its body (another galaxy), without having to traverse across the universe or take up any time to get there. We just jumped through space-time, as neither space nor time was necessary for our travel. In the same way as it would take millions of light-years to traverse across the universe from one galaxy to another (even at the fastest of speeds it would still take time) relatively speaking, it would take much longer to traverse across my body from my thumb to my big toe than it does for me to just be my thumb and my big toe.
It is that simple – conceptually. All we have to do in order to teleport and travel through time (along with possibly more seemingly supernatural abilities) is to focus with intent and conscious thought on where we want to go.
The thing is, until we learn to think of our individual bodies as just a small part (not unlike a cell) of a much larger, unified, whole body, the mechanics of teleporting (and time travel) will not make intrinsic sense. In truth, the concept is simple and the mechanics are fairly simple as well. There have been some absolutely astonishing breakthroughs in quantum physics that support this notion; specifically in Russia where funding is less limited when it comes to this type of scientific research. If you are interested in some of the science behind teleportation, I am currently reading The Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock which gives some great examples and descriptions of experiments conducted concerning teleportation and time travel.
It may be too that the Universe, our Earth included, is not quite ready for us to fully know these and other abilities. It is my personal belief that we are preparing ourselves for a spontaneous evolution at which point these and other before thought to be super-natural abilities will be at our disposal for those who are ready. In the end I believe Henry Ford was right when he said, “Whether you believe you can or your can’t, you are right.”
I have always been skeptical of the idea that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. But, in my early twenties, I had a thought that I felt completely justified my skepticism. It dawned upon me that I could think about turning on a light faster than the light would actually turn on. But, when I went to tell my peers my exciting discovery, it was I who was met with skepticism.
My peers would argue that I could not be sure that my thought of turning on the light was actually faster than the time it took for the light to turn on once the switch had been flipped. And they did not buy my argument that I could think about the light turning on faster than it took me to actually get up, walk over to the switch, flip it and turn the light on.
So, this got me to thinking and I easily came up with another example of my theory. “What about the Sun?” I said. “Boom, there, I am instantaneously thinking about the sun while it still takes another 8 minutes for the sun’s light to actually reach Earth from the moment I thought about it. Better yet,” I said, “what about the other stars or galaxies?”
This argument was slightly more convincing, and I have continued to contemplate this concept as the years have passed. Not only have I come to think of this theory as more and more true, I feel that I now have at least a conceptual understanding of how both teleportation and time travel work.
The easiest way for me to think about this is as such: Consider that life is analogous and reflective of itself. Meaning that the life of a planet can be compared fairly accurately to the life of a plant and/or animal on Earth and there will be striking similarities. For example, a star is born with a growing body, just like all life on Earth, until it reaches maturity when it shines brightest, much like a flower in bloom or an animal at their prime for reproduction. Then, the stars energy, as well as the plant or animal’s, begins to fade and the life eventually comes to an end.
In this way we can loosely compare almost everything (if not everything) in the universe. With this in mind, we should be able to do the same with the entire universe.
Without attaching too much historical baggage to the word, consider the perspective of a God consciousness – that is, a perspective which is self aware of its entire body – the universe as a whole. Now, make this God consciousness analogous to your own conscious mind, and make God’s body – the universe as a whole – analogous with your very own body. Well, that is quite easy, isn’t it? You can be fully aware of your conscious mind and fully aware of your body as a whole, singular unit at the same time; for, really, the two go hand-in-hand. Now, just focus all of your attention on your thumb. Be highly aware of your thumb as a whole, singular unit. Be your thumb, see your thumb, feel your thumb. Now, switch your attention to your big toe. Be fully aware of your big toe, feel it, see it, be it.
You have just performed a process that is analogous to the act of God consciousness – being fully aware of its entire universe body– choosing to focus with intent on only one part of its body, allowing consciousness to fill that specific space – a galaxy per-se – then instantly being another part of its body (another galaxy), without having to traverse across the universe or take up any time to get there. We just jumped through space-time, as neither space nor time was necessary for our travel. In the same way as it would take millions of light-years to traverse across the universe from one galaxy to another (even at the fastest of speeds it would still take time) relatively speaking, it would take much longer to traverse across my body from my thumb to my big toe than it does for me to just be my thumb and my big toe.
It is that simple – conceptually. All we have to do in order to teleport and travel through time (along with possibly more seemingly supernatural abilities) is to focus with intent and conscious thought on where we want to go.
The thing is, until we learn to think of our individual bodies as just a small part (not unlike a cell) of a much larger, unified, whole body, the mechanics of teleporting (and time travel) will not make intrinsic sense. In truth, the concept is simple and the mechanics are fairly simple as well. There have been some absolutely astonishing breakthroughs in quantum physics that support this notion; specifically in Russia where funding is less limited when it comes to this type of scientific research. If you are interested in some of the science behind teleportation, I am currently reading The Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock which gives some great examples and descriptions of experiments conducted concerning teleportation and time travel.
It may be too that the Universe, our Earth included, is not quite ready for us to fully know these and other abilities. It is my personal belief that we are preparing ourselves for a spontaneous evolution at which point these and other before thought to be super-natural abilities will be at our disposal for those who are ready. In the end I believe Henry Ford was right when he said, “Whether you believe you can or your can’t, you are right.”